Step 1: Practice Technique

Step 1: Practice technique.
In every other sport or physical activity, we get instruction on technique when we get started,
but not in running. Proper running form is extremely important for preventing injuries and
improving your speed, endurance, and enjoyment.
If you fully realize this, you will be willing to improve your running form.
Implement one running session per week where it’s all about proper form. Don’t even think
about mileage or speed.
Don’t worry about losing fitness. If you keep moving and avoid resting too much, this session
will help you maintain your fitness level.
Another way to improve your technique is to practice one element of technique on every run.
For example, if you choose to work on cadence (step 4), you could carry a metronome set at
180 bpm or listen to music at 180 bpm and step in time with each beat.
Some of the principles of proper running form also apply to walking. Any time you walk is a
good time to practice better running. (See Step 2, 5, and 6.)

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