How To Run Faster And Longer Without Getting Tired Or Injured

7 Steps To Better Running Form

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In this article you will discover one unknown key to accomplish the following:

1. How to shift your hormones to burn more fat.

2. How to optimize your liver function to burn more fat.

3. How to hone your mindset to burn more fat.

If you are not doing this one thing properly, you are creating at least 3 problems which make it nearly impossible for you to burn fat during exercise and at rest.

High Cortisol

The stress response or the “fight or flight” activation of the central nervous system creates a high level of cortisol in your blood. Cortisol works to increase blood sugar and insulin and decreases insulin sensitivity.

In short, the stress response shifts your metabolism closer to being diabetic. This internal environment make using fat for energy almost impossible and causes disruption of the appetite regulating hormones–leptin and ghrelin.

If you’re ignoring this unknown key, you’re compromising your metabolism with excess cortisol.

Sub-Optimal Liver Function

The liver is the primary organ that carries out most of the aspects of fat metabolism. Fat that you eat passes through the liver to be processed before you can burn it for energy.

Carbohydrates that your muscles don’t immediately use or store as glycogen go to the liver for repackaging either as glycogen or fat.

If you’re ignoring this one thing, your liver function is not optimized and when it comes to burning fat, you’re screwed.

Lack of Focus

Mental focus is essential to make choices that bring you closer to your goals.  The ability of focus your mind is a key element to reaching your goals.

In our modern information age we have more distractions than any population of humans ever has. It is so easy to get drawn off course. Cultivation of our abilities to focus and concentrate has become an essential life skill if we intend to accomplish anything worthwhile.

If you’re not practicing this one key to better mental focus, you cannot reach your full potential.

So what is the key?

Better Breathing

Most people in modern society have poor breathing mechanics. They breath mostly through their mouths. This causes shallow chest breathing where the ribcage expands and the collar bones rise. The abdomen is held in tight and doesn’t expand.

The diaphragm goes mostly unused. This ribcage dominant breathing stimulates the sympathetic branch of the nervous system causing the “fight or flight” response that raises cortisol and leads to all the problems explained above.

This rib cage breathing also leaves the most effective lower parts of the lungs unused for taking in oxygen. The lower lungs have more blood for taking in oxygen. This is nullified by ribcage dominant breathing.

Because oxygen is essential for burning energy in your body, this inefficiency causes fatigue and poor mental and physical performance.

Another result of improper breathing is lack of mental focus and increased anxiety. Your mind essentially matches your breathing pattern. So if your breathing is shallow, erratic,  and fast, your mental state will be noisy, nervous, and unfocused.

What’s the solution?

Better breathing is the key. It is the unknown factor for burning more fat efficiently.
For guidance on how breathe better, check the link below.

Learn How to Breathe Better

For more guidance, sign up for the Breathe Better Now Program below. It’s FREE.

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When your breathe properly through the nose, using your diaphragm, and letting your abdomen expand awesome things happen.

Better Hormone Levels

You stimulate the relaxation response by bringing the air deeper into the lungs. This stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system is the opposite of the stress response. This decreases cortisol leading to better control of blood sugar and greater ease of fat burning.

The improved glucose metabolism of lower cortisol leads to better regulation of leptin and ghrelin–the hormones that regulate appetite.  Ever wondered why your crave junk food when under high stress?

Improved Liver Function

When you use your diaphragm to breathe,  you squeeze all the abdominal organs on each breath. This is especially true for the liver, which is located directly under the diaphragm.

Breathing Mechanics Related to LiverBreathing Mechanics Related to Liver 2

This gentle and constant squeeze and release mechanism gives your liver a massage. This keeps the blood and tissue fluid flowing and optimizes circulation.

Optimal circulation is important for the function of any organ. This  supports your metabolism, especially fat burning.

Better Mindset and Ability to Focus

When your breathing is deep, rhythmic, and slow,  your mind becomes serene, quiet, and focused. You can use better breathing to cultivate a state where the mindset shift needed to realize your goal becomes easier.

Changing your mindset is probably the most important factor in making the lifestyle changes needed to become a fat burning runner.

For guidance on how breathe better, check the link below.

Learn How to Breathe Better

For more guidance, sign up for the Breathe Better Now Program below.

Get the Breathe Better Now Program! FREE

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Nick Ortego is a health coach specializing in biohacking for runners. He integrates modern methods with the ancient wisdom of yoga to help runners get the most out of every aspect of life. He is the owner of N 2 Action, a wellness studio in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, offering personal training, health coaching, yoga, and fascial stretch therapy.

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Run Better Now Coaching

Do you want to love running again?

So there I was after my first marathon.

I was hurting and I could barely walk. I could walk but I looked 50 years older than my 29 years.

I had fallen in love with running about 8 months earlier when I was on a family vacation. I ran every day near the beaches in Florida. Not Florida in July, but Florida in April.

The warm sun.

The cool breeze.

They combined with the steady rhythm of my feet hitting the ground and the wavelike motion of my breathing. It hypnotized me into a state of euphoria.

I went home from that vacation and immediately signed up for my first ever marathon.

But here I was now 8 months later and I couldn't bear the thought of running. I resigned to the idea that running just wasn't for me, or my body. It was like an abusive lover. It just beat me up too much.

I stopped running and just focused on other exercises.

Then one day a I was walking my little wiener dog at a local park wearing some five fingers. Those are the barefoot toe shoes that were trendy back then.

I looked at my little dog and he seemed to want to run. I decided to do a little sprint.

And it felt phenomenal. I loved running again. Everything was flowing, my form felt effortless. A eureka moment happened.

You see, when I was training for the marathon, I had tried to implement better running technique principles to no avail. My form would just go back to my default setting once I got even a little tired.

I knew what good running form looked like. I have a degree in the science of human movement. I did most of my biomechanics projects on running when I was in college. I read all the books about better running form. I tried to use the principles that I knew.

But I had been unable to put it into practice.

Now something had changed.

When I was not attached to running a certain distance or speed, I ran much better. I started treating running as a skill I was developing, rather than a mode of cardiovascular conditioning I was using to condition my body.

It worked. I enjoyed running again. I took another deep dive into studying the biomechanics of running. I was able to practice the principles of better running.

Since then, I've run several marathons faster than that first one that left me feeling crippled.

I've run a 50k and 100 mile ultra-marathons without feeling beat up.

That's a lie. I felt pretty demolished after the hundred miler. But that's to be expected.

I love running again.

But it hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns. I've made mistakes and learned. I got over-zealous with the little barefoot toe shoes and had to fix my plantar fasciitis again. (I'm prone to it apparently.)

Prevention beats treatment is one of the most valuable lessons I learned, by the way. I haven't had the plantar fasciitis issues in over 8 years now though.

As a trainer, I started using what I knew about corrective exercise and motor learning to help people run better.

And now, with the current state of internet technology, I can offer coaching online. I created a 3-month coaching program called Run Better Now Coaching.

With the Run Better Now coaching program you get all this.

  • You will improve all of your movement patterns so that you can run with optimized mechanical efficiency. This means a smoother, easier experience each time you run.

  • You will learn how to improve other lifestyle factors that can make or break your running performance. This includes nutrition, stress, sleep, and recovery.

  • No guesswork. You get a specifically detailed program specifically designed for your body and your schedule delivered on my online platform with instructional videos and unlimited feedback.

  • Constant guidance. Each week we meet remotely to adjust your program based on how it's going for you.

  • Unlimited consulting.  I answer all your questions by email or through my online training platform.

Click here to sign up for the 3-month program,  or read more if you're curious.

How Online Coaching Works

Here is what your get:

  • Movement Evaluation: An initial evaluation of your movement patterns and running form through video.

  • Program Design: An exercise and running program designed specifically for your needs, goals, and time constraints.

  • Unlimited Q & A: My online coaching platform allows you to send me messages and videos. I answer your questions and give you feedback for improving your technique.

  • Weekly Coaching Sessions: We meet online each week throughout the 3 month program for accountability and encouragement as well as program troubleshooting.

  • Integrated Health Coaching: I coach you on the other aspects of a healthy lifestyle that can make or break your running. This includes better sleep, nutrition, recovery, and stress management. 

Sign up for the Run Better Now (3-month) coaching program.

Movement Evaluation

I send you the instruction video and then you video yourself performing a set of movements and running. It's easy with your smart phone or other device.

I evaluate how you move and design a movement optimization program based on your movement patterns. I post your program and you log in to your account to view it. It comes with video demonstrations and instructions.

Customized Exercise Program

In addition to the movement optimization program, I design a running technique and strength training program just for you. I design it around your schedule and based on your abilities.

We periodize your program based on your races or events. We design the program and shift the variables so that your performance peaks at the specific time when you want to be your best.

Unlimited Consulting

You get unlimited questions answered by email or over the online coaching platform. The online platform allows you to attach videos to messages.

If you have any questions about your technique, just shoot a quick video of yourself with your smart phone or other device. Attach it to a message and send it to me.

Weekly Sessions

We meet up to 4 times a month throughout the 3-month program for accountability or encouragement. During this session, we can also troubleshoot your program and game plan for any upcoming events.

You get access to my personal calendar to set your coaching sessions up at your convenience. No back and forth messaging about available times necessary.

Integrated Health Coaching

So many things outside of running can affect your running. I coach you on those things as well. I can teach you how to get better quality sleep, recover better, beat stress, improve your mindset, eat better, and optimize your cognitive performance.

With the Run Better Now coaching program, you CAN run faster and longer with greater ease and without pain.

Get Started Now on the Run Better Now 3-Month Coaching Program
Nick Ortego

Nick Ortego has been a fitness professional since 1998. He holds a BS in kinesiology and is certified by the American Council on Exercise as an advanced health and fitness specialist, health coach and group fitness instructor. Ortego is also a registered yoga teacher (RYT-200) with Yoga Alliance, a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, and a Certified Kettlebell Teacher with the International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation.

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